EPCOR’s Negotiated Settlement Agreement Regarding its 2023 Distribution Cost-of-Service Application

In Proceeding 26617, EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (”EPCOR”) submits its negotiated settlement agreement (“NSA”) regarding its distribution cost-of-service application (the “Application”) to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) for review and approval.

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The Commission’s Decision on Melcor’s Complaint against FortisAlberta’s Design Standards

In Proceeding 26649, the Alberta Utilities Commission (“the Commission”) issues its decision regarding a complaint raised by Melcor Developments Ltd., Highview Communities Inc., and Sunset Properties Inc., (“the Melcor Entities”) opposing the updated design standards of FortisAlberta Inc. (“FortisAlberta”).

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AET 2015 – 2017 Transmission Deferral Account Application

On March 25, 2019 ATCO Electric Transmission (AET) applied for disposal of its 2015-2017 transmission deferral account and annual filing for adjustment balances.[1]

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ATCO Electric 2018-2019 GTA

On June 16, 2017 ATCO Electric (AE) submitted its 2018-2019 TFO GTA which includes a proposed revenue requirement of $606.60 million and $627.4 million respectively.

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ATCO Electric 2015-2017 GTA Decision and R&V Request

On October 20, 2016, ATCO Electric submitted a review and variance (R&V) application in regards to Decision 20272-D01-2016 on ATCO Electric’s 2015-2017 TFO general tariff application.

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